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CCA Lends a Hand

CCA Lends a Hand

20190301 CCA web2A group of 20 do-gooders from the Coastal Conservation Association (CCA), Austin Chapter were onsite at the Wetlands Education Center this past Friday. The volunteer team was part of the CCA-Austin’s effort to serve and support local communities. “We try to do 1-2 community service events per year and this is the first habitat restoration project we’ve done on land,” said Tim Franke the CCA-Austin chairman of the habitat and research. CCA-Austin also strives to bring research to anglers. As a member of the University of Texas Marine Science Institute’s advisory council, Franke has utilized his connections and brought local researchers, including Dr. Andrew Esbaugh from UTMSI, to the Austin to discuss their research to Austin-area anglers. The Friday volunteer event at the Wetlands Education Center was just one more way to help connect anglers to the resources and communities they care about.


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