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The University of Texas
Marine Science Institute
750 Channel View Drive
Port Aransas, TX 78373
Phone: 361-749-6711

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research1Participating in research is a great way to find out what your interests are quickly. There are many ways undergrads can participate during the school year at UTMSI.


Research opportunities are offered through out the academic year for 1 to 3 hours of credit. Contact the undergraduate advisor if you are interested in obtaining research credit.

During Semester by the Sea, students will be offered a stipend for research and class credit. Students will have a mentor and conduct their own research projects.

Participating in research is a great way to identify your major interests.
Examples of student research conducted by Marine Science undergraduates include publications in the UT Undergraduate Research Journal. For recent examples of these student-led research projects see:





This program is offered at UTMSI every summer. See Undergraduate Research for more details. There are also REU opportunities offered across the nation. Programs can be found on different university websites.

UT Austin

Students can volunteer in labs at University of Texas. Many professors are accommodating and encouraging towards those who want to explore the field of research more in depth. There is a list of labs who are taking on undergraduates on the UT Eureka! website. It is a good idea to look up specific professors and the research that the lab does to see if you are interested. Try reading some papers and then email the professor to ask if they have room in their lab. Talk to the professor about what in particular about their research you are interested in!

The Matz lab in particular has taken many Marine Science students in the past. Students have worked for credit (MNS 170/270/370) or as volunteers. Some students have done their own projects while others work on general projects, it depends on your interests and how much time you have to dedicate to the lab. This is a great lab; the graduate students are encouraging, positive, and fun! There is not a guarantee that they will be able to take undergraduates, but it is definitely worth the inquiry if you like the research. Here is a link to find out more about current projects. Contact: Sarah Davies at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if interested.


Title: 2015 EPA Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Fellowships for Undergraduate Environmental Study

URL: http://www.epa.gov/ncer/rfa/2015/2015_gro_undergrad.html

Open Date: 03/30/2015 - Close Date: 05/19/2015

Description: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announces the posting of the Request for Applications, 2015 EPA Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Fellowships for Undergraduate Environmental Study with the goal of offering undergraduate fellowships for bachelor level students in environmental fields of study. Subject to availability of funding and other applicable considerations, the Agency plans to award approximately 34 new fellowships.  Eligible students will receive support for their junior and senior years of undergraduate study and for an internship at an EPA facility during the summer of their junior year. The fellowship provides up to $20,700 per academic year of support and $8,600 of support for a three-month summer internship.