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The University of Texas
Marine Science Institute
750 Channel View Drive
Port Aransas, TX 78373
Phone: 361-749-6711

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Giving student

Our graduate students are the engine of The University of Texas Marine Science Institute. We recruit the top students from across the nation and around the globe to bring their bright minds to learn and expand knowledge of our oceans and coasts.

Graduate Fellowships
In order for UTMSI to compete with peer research institutions for the best graduate students, we must offer competitive graduate fellowships. Graduate students play a central role in academic research and discovery, bringing innovative ideas to research projects and serving as the workforce in the discovery process. The generation of knowledge and innovation that happens in marine science almost always includes crucial contributions from hard-working and dedicated graduate students. In addition to their research, graduate students play a key role in undergraduate education. They serve as teaching assistants and research mentors, communicating scientific principles and enhancing the educational experience for our students. There is strong competition among leading universities to recruit the best graduate students, and we lose outstanding candidates to peer institutions when competitive graduate fellowship packages are not available. Fellowships allow graduate students to pursue their education and research objectives on a full-time basis, and are highly valued by both the students and the faculty members who mentor them. There are two levels of giving that allow you to be a part of preparing the next generation of scientists. They are a Graduate Student Endowment at $100,000 and an Graduate Endowed Presidential Fellowship at $250,000. They may be a one-time gift or given over a number of years.

Professional Development Awards
Graduate students in the College of Natural Sciences are training to become scientific leaders and innovative educators of the future.  Preparation for successful careers both within and outside of academia often requires training and professional development beyond the opportunities provided through graduate programs. Professional Development Awards allow graduate students to present their work at meetings, attend professional development conferences and workshops, and collaborate with other scientists across the country and abroad. Gifts ranging from $1,000 - $5,000 allow students the opportunity to attend these professional trainings.